

Sleepy Hallow CementaryThe scent of rain colors the air Blown by nostaliga, I’m embraced by the moving city

My emotions grew in the sky where they couldn’t be captured Goodbye, I shook, in agony forever Goodbye, only you, smile forever ~ Luna Sea

A Walk Home II

The walk continues........ This time instead of going straight home after crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, I decided to check out the new Brooklyn Bridge Park. It was pretty neat and there were 5-6 groups of tourists being let out from those sightseeing double decker bus.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

A Walk Home

Whenever the weather is nice out and that I just don't feel like going home yet, I would walk home from work. It's about a 5mile trek from Midtown South to Brooklyn. I usually walk the same path which takes me from Midtown South down on Broadway to Madison Square Park to Union Sqaure where I would stop to say hi to Doug from the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. Sometimes I would get a Salty Pimp from Doug and continue on my way. Walking across Union Square holding an ice cream cone is pretty nice. Then I walk down 3rd Ave through the East Village which turns into Bowery. I go from Noho to Soho to Chinatown and through the City Hall area to the Brooklyn Bridge entrance. The Brooklyn Bridge is a tough walk because of all the tourists walking reeeaaaal slow and standing around snapping photos. Sorry but I kind of find it funny and a little satisfying when they get yelled at by oncoming bikers because they're in the bike lane. After I get off the Brooklyn Bridge I walk through Cadman Plaza and down Boerum Place and home! If I don't stop anywhere I can make it home in about an hour. I need better shoes though, chucks were never made for long walks. 31st & BroadwayMadison Sq

Madison Sq

Madison Sq


Cooper Union

Construction outside of Village Voice
